Get all posts of an ambassador (widget)

GET /widget/ambassadors/{id}/posts


Path parameters

  • id integer Required

    The ambassador id

Query parameters

  • page integer

    page number

  • per_page integer

    number of items per page

  • filter by type

    Values are POST or POPLISTE.

  • filter by view_on_blog

  • sort string

    example :to sort the posts by date_post (-date_post: descending, date_insert: ascending)

    Value is date_post.


GET /widget/ambassadors/{id}/posts
curl \
 --request GET https://domain.tld/api/v2/widget/ambassadors/{id}/posts \
 --header "X-Popsell-Domain:"
Response examples (200)
  "current_page": 42,
  "data": [
      "id_ambassador_post": 42,
      "id_ambassador_post_shared": 42,
      "date_post": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "date_insert": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "date_update": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "author": {
        "id_ambassador": 42,
        "image": "string",
        "firstname": "string",
        "lastname": "string",
        "username": "string",
        "email": "string",
        "email_tmp": "string",
        "active": 42,
        "status": 42,
        "online": true,
        "last_action_date": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
        "customer_id": "string",
        "anonymized": true
      "type": "string",
      "content": "string",
      "nb_likes": 42,
      "nb_comments": 42,
      "visibility": "PUBLIC",
      "view_on_blog": true,
      "products": [
          "id_product": 42,
          "name": "string",
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          "discount_percentage": 42.0,
          "price_catalog": 42,
          "reference_unit_price": 42,
          "sku": "string",
          "youtube_id": "string",
          "url": "string",
          "description": "string",
          "images": [
              "id_i18n_content": 42,
              "lang": "en_GB",
              "content": "Hello"
          "price": 42.0,
          "stock": 42,
          "stock_available": 42.0,
          "old_image": "string"
      "comments": [
          "id_ambassador_post": 42,
          "author": {
            "id_ambassador": 42,
            "image": "string",
            "full_name": "string",
            "username": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "status": 42,
            "availability": "string",
            "unavailable": true,
            "is_absent": true,
            "absent_msg": "string",
            "fb_account": "string",
            "twitter_account": "string",
            "instagram_account": "string",
            "linkedIn_account": "string",
            "youtube_account": "string",
            "online": true,
            "last_action_date": "string",
            "location": "Paris"
          "content": "string",
          "nb_likes": 42,
          "comments": [
          "date_created": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
          "date_timestamp": true,
          "liked": true
      "videos": [
          "id_video": 1,
          "date_insert": "2023-10-09T12:12:40.220000Z",
          "date_update": "2023-10-09T12:12:40.220000Z",
          "date_delete": "2023-10-09T12:12:40.220000Z",
          "id_blob": "f0dab429-ae29-4e26-b6ea-138d351831eb",
          "state": 0
      "nb_orders": 42,
      "liked": true,
      "contents": [
          "id_i18n_content": 42,
          "lang": "en_GB",
          "content": "Hello"
      "titles": [
          "id_i18n_content": 42,
          "lang": "en_GB",
          "content": "Hello"
      "is_planned": true,
      "shares": 42,
      "status": "PUBLISHED",
      "is_brand": true,
      "is_akn": true,
      "link": 42.0,
      "data1": "string",
      "data2": "string",
      "thread_last_update": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "start_date": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
      "is_on_boarding": true,
      "is_welcome": true,
      "shareable": true,
      "no_comment": true,
      "id_popliste": 42.0
  "first_page_url": "string",
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  "last_page": 42,
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  "links": [
      "url": "string",
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      "active": true
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  "path": "string",
  "per_page": 42,
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  "to": 42,
  "total": 42
Response examples (401)
  "message": "Unauthorized."