Get geolocation details (public)
to have more information about the fields, please refer to the Google Maps API documentation:
The domain of the user
Query parameters
The place_id of the location
fields string
The fields to return
GET /geolocation/details
curl \
-X GET https://domain.tld/api/v2/geolocation/details?place_id=ChIJd8BlQ2Bx5kcRjQwN8zG3pzQ \
-H "X-Popsell-Domain:"
Response examples (200)
"details": {},
"status": "OK"
Response examples (401)
"message": "Unauthorized."
Response examples (422)
"message": "field is required! (and 3 more error)",
"errors": {
"field": [
"Error message details here"
"additionalProperty1": [
"Error message details here"
"additionalProperty2": [
"Error message details here"